Saturday, November 27, 2021

With the recent precipitation, the very keenest among you have naturally begun asking when we will have the trails ready for skiing.

Currently, we have about 22cm accumulation, but it’s a very thin base and will not support grooming, even with the sled and ginzu, as the ground is still quite soft underneath.

We did begin packing snow (but not tracksetting) on Clearwater FSR on Friday with the snowmobile. However, the forecast is calling for the snow level to rise to 2600m overnight tonight, with rain in the forecast again for tomorrow.T

he long-range forecast toward the end of next week is for colder temperatures and more snow, which will hopefully allow us to begin grooming operations before too long.

Please stay off the trails for the time being. Reports are that trails at Biathlon (Black Jack) and Paulson (Castlegar Nordic) are in good early season condition.

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