All posts by Karen Redfern

Dec 21st trails update

+2 degrees overnight, 0 degrees with trace amounts of snow accumulation at 7:00am
Good news! The Husky is up and grooming again!!
As of 7:30 this morning the following trails have been groomed for skate AND classic:
Apex: Classic/Skate – Fair
Night Loop: Classic/Skate – Fair
Night Creek Loop: Classic/Skate – Fair
Cottonwood: Classic/Skate – Fair
Cottonwood Loop: Classic/Skate – Fair
Field Loop: Classic/Skate – Fair
Busk: Classic/Skate – Poor
Euphrates: Classic/Skate – Fair
Camp Busk Loop: Classic/Skate – Fair
Busk Connector: Classic/Skate – Fair
Clearwater: Classic/Skate – Good to 4km
Clearwater first hill bypass: Classic/Skate – Fair
Clearwater Cabin Loop: Classic/Skate – Good
Clearwater will be groomed above 4km this evening if conditions improve today.
Happy skiing!

December 20th Trails Update


0 degrees overnight, -1 degrees at 6:30am

As of 6:30 this morning the following trails have been groomed for skate and the classic track conditions assessed:

Night Loop: Classic/Skate – Good
Cottonwood: Classic/Skate – Good
Cottonwood Loop: Classic/Skate – Good
Field Loop: Classic/Skate – Good
Busk: Classic/Skate – Fair
Euphrates: Classic- Fair, Skate – Good
Camp Busk Loop: Classic/Skate – Fair
Clearwater: Classic – Poor to Fair to 4.5km, Skate – Fair to Good

Skiers please be aware of voids in snow at intersections. Current conditions do not make for a smooth surface where the machine needs to maneuver back and forth.

The trails are developing some uneven ‘crossfall’ which will be re-structured to a flatter surface once we get some new snow and the Husky is back in service.

Kjell will put classic tracks in today where conditions permit. The snow level is expected to rise to 1200m today so we are expecting wet conditions again today. Hopefully the last day for a while!

I will provide an update on the Husky repair once the much needed part arrives!

Dec 19th Trails update

+2 degrees overnight. Conditions remain challenging to groom up Clearwater.
The Husky is still down so grooming (skate lanes only) continues with the BR180
As of 6:30 this morning, Apex, Cottonwood and Cottonwood loop have all been groomed for skate and are rated as Good. Kjell will attempt to set a classic track with the ginzu later this morning.
Busk-Euphrates is rated as Fair to Good. Night loop rates Fair.
The cold weather and snow we are waiting for has been pushed back until Sunday. Hopefully it arrives for Christmas. Our much needed part for the Husky is on it’s way to Nelson!
Have a great day everyone!

December 18th Trails Update

Good morning!

We have experienced warmer temperatures at elevation last night (+3 degrees Celsius ) with rain . Clearwater and the Clearwater loops were packed and groomed where possible. The conditions were not favourable for machine work over night or this morning.  Grooming was aborted early as the work with the BR180 only made conditions worse.

If conditions allow for track-setting today Kjell will run the ginzu up Clearwater.

All other trails on the Apex side and Busk Euphrates have not been groomed due to the very soft now conditions.

Here’s hoping for mere snow and colder temps arrive by the weekend!

Have a great day!


December 17th Trails Update

Good day!

My apologies for a delayed update to our trail conditions. On Saturday the 15th we experienced a relatively minor breakdown of our main grooming machine (Husky) which grooms for both skate and classic.  Sadly, the part that has failed does not allow the machine to operate.  Fortunately the part we require is in Canada and should arrive in Nelson tomorrow!

We hope to have the Husky up and running by the weekend. I will continue to keep people posted on our machine status.

In the meantime Ralph has been packing and tilling the snow with the BR180 which is only able to groom for skate.  Kjell will set classic track today and going forward until the Husky is running again.

The conditions have been mild the last two nights with 19cm accumulation of wet snow  on the weekend and  steady rainfall last night.  We had several downed trees on Busk-Euphrates which impeded grooming progress. Our resources last night were focused on tree clearing, which meant Clearwater did not get groomed for today.  We expect Clearweater will be groomed this evening and tomorrow.

The trails are rated as fair . The forecast continues to be mild with the snow level lowering to 800m overnight so we likely will see some more accumulation which is great for our base!

Later in the week temperatures are forecast to drop in time for the Husky’s return to action.  Fingers crossed for optimal conditions by the weekend.

Thank you again for your understanding and please give Kjell a wide berth as he is out clearing debris and setting track today and tomorrow!

Happy Skiing!

Jay Rusu

General Manager